Sunday, November 21, 2010

Another moment of reflecting

Well ok not off to the best start at consistancy for posting on here. I have been off to a fabulous start at following through with this turning point in my life.

As I posted on my previous post, I know that I am at a special place in my artistic journey. In my life. In knowing myself. In seeing myself and most important in facing my fears.

I know we all have fears. Fear of death or loss. Of being alone or crowded so much that we don't know who we are or even what we like or want. Fear of peer pressure or not being noticed at all. Fear of failure. I could go on but you all know what I am talking about.

One of my biggest fears is being judged. Maybe by words or by lack of words. Also fear of not measuring my standards. My perfectionist standards.

So one of the first things that I know is being dealt with is letting this all go!! I am feeing a huge sense of freedom. Like a deep exhale. My shoulders relax. I am me. Thats all. Thats good enough.

Your you and thats good enough too. You have your journey, your path. Are you following it? Being true to where you are suppose to be or are you trying to fit into a mold. What you think your suppose to be or what someone has said your suppose to be.

I have never been one to fit in. Now this isn't a pity thing. I have just always been different. Not in the stand out so boldly it draws attention. But in the not like many around me.

I am liking this more and more.

I have realized we are all just a little different and there is a reason we are. To bring our true selves to this world, this life. To make up our place in the "whole".

So as I journey on and get comfortable in this place of fear facing I am finding greater passion filling me. JOY!! yes joy and passion and a bubbling deep in my spirit.

I am creating with new gusto. I am falling in love with the whole process in a way that I hadn't felt before. That fear....those fears had held me back!

So as I continue on and promise once again to post daily!! Yes I said daily......I am asking you to look at your passions. What do you create, what stirs your dreams even awake? Now look at your fears.....what do you fear? Are you trying to fit into a mold? Are you comfortable in your own skin? Ready to put YOU out there? If not, why?......Really think about it. This isn't a one time process I am learning. I am seeing that I will go through this many times. Either to throw off new layered fears or chase off old fears who have found a way to re gain a place in me.

I am so excited about this journey even if this post seems a little hard, dark, sad, down. It isn't its really exciting!!! Its a new moment in my creative process to reach my all. My place to create be me. I am me, I am a lady who creates, I am a person who loves, I am an artist!

As each day comes I am so filled with excitment. Like never in my life. I am anticipating where this road is taking me.

So I am going to share a few things in progress. I have not brought anything to completion yet. Many reasons and I will share more on that tomorrow.

So first in progress arting work

This is a sketch that prior to this turning point I would have only found fault with. NOW I embrace all it's imperfections! Yes me!! I can let it be what it is. Let her be who she is. I can now move on to painting her. Maybe transfer her to wood or canvas then paint. Or maybe paint her right where she is......or......

I have many more in process or progress to post. I am glad you came by to read to look. To be part of this journey. To be one of those that I have dared to trust with my art, my fears, my life.

Where are you? What are your fears? Do you fight the urge to be perfect to the point that your not happy with your art, your scrapbook pages, you!?

Well I think your brave and perfect as YOU are.

Thanks so much for reading and leaving comments.

Your friend on this journey
