Monday, February 22, 2010


So it is statement week here. What that means is, I make a statement, bill, for each of our customers. All 100 plus of them. I have been doing this for 10 some years. But it never gets easy. It is the one part of owning this business I do not care for much, LOL.

It is time consuming and you have to be so careful cause some people do not like any mistakes!! Most of our customers are long term clients and if there is ever an oversight on a statement they are super great about understanding. But then there are those that I swear just wait for a slip up, :) I do not make many mistakes, praise God!!! But it is a little stressful, and it also takes big chunks out of time in the scrap/craft room, :)

Now thats really the problem, I just want to spend all my free time in there! Love my room!!

So I slipped out of my home office for a little lunch break and made this sweet little bird tag. Also watched a couple youtube videos as I created this tag. Glad to see some actual projuect videos!!! Nice break from haul videos, LOL!!

Yeah it was a fast create, but I love it.

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