Thursday, March 11, 2010

Best Book, MUST READ!!

I have had this book for almost 2 years I think, maybe 18 months, but anyway, GREAT BOOK!!! I saw Yoliebean on youtube talking about it. I think she had just gotten it.

She was telling how much this book had inspired her and gave her courage to follow her artists heart. That is exactly what this book does!! It set my heart ablaze in news ways.

Years ago I started doing collage, then mixed media and moved into painting and drawing faces and then combining them on one canvas at times. I always have trouble sharing my work with others. I want so much for others to see it and share the whole process, but I am my biggest critic and the fear of rejection is so huge to me.

But this book really helped me step out a little. I am now re reading it. After hearing Yolie talk about this book I got it back off the shelf and started reading it again.

In the short time since I first read it until now, I see so much growth in my attitde and comfort level with myself and my art.

Yes I said art. I am now more into scrapbooking, 12x12 LO, 8x8 LO,, but still do my other work.

Yes I consider this all art. Crafting is art. It is an art form. Your an artist! Now if that seems crazy I am sorry but this is my opinion. You and I take material and put them together and alter them and cut and glue and glimmer mist and stamp and arrange.....this is art!!

I know that there are some offended if someone calls themselves an artist if all they do is scrapbook, LOL, seems so silly to me that this would get under anyones skin! But it does indeed.

I don't know why. Maybe someone will tell me.

But back to this book. No matter what type of craft you do this book is a must read!! Her story of finding her passion in her 30's is very inspiring. Realizing that how ever we create is fantastic!! There is no right or wrong way to make art, creat...scrapbook.

There are great projects in there too. Some step by step. Maybe even will get you out of your comfort zone and get you trying some new things with products you had never heard of!

If you read it or have read it, leave me a comment please. Love to hear your thoughts on it!!


just melly

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