Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Journey

It's Tuesday, and I missed posting yesterday! But to make up for it I will have 2 posts today. :) I am serious about posting everyday! Really :)

I am really liking this new commitment. To blog and journal and share it all everyday. Well maybe not ALL I do creative wise, but you know what I mean. I thought it would feel heavy or start to feel like an obligation or work. Instead it is very freeing. 

Like in a previous post from a few months back, I talked about the fear of sharing any of my art that really matters to me. Like some how if I only posted the things that I did on the run or well BBQ on the patio that I was some how protecting myself. I wouldn't care what others thought. Or said. Not that many leave comments :) But I do get the occasional email.

Now that I have started this new journey in full force and committed I am feeling a new freedom! Just what I was looking for. I want, no I need to just move ahead. I share my thoughts here mainly to clear my heart and mind. To just "talk". To post whatever I have been doing on that day. It maybe scrapbooking, drawing, poetry, cooking, art journal pages, acrylics, pastels, pencil, colored pencil....

I mentioned, Its the journey not the destination in a couple of posts. At the beginning of the year this thought kept coming back to me. I took it to prayer and know that it is a lesson that I am to learn. The living in the moment. The digging in each moment no matter what I may be doing. 

I was cleaning the cat box, sorry if this is yucky to hear! No worries, no details on kitty box will be provided! LOL But anyway, well I was doing this I chose to let gratitude flow through me. It was a choice I said out loud! I simply said.....I am glad that I am able to do this. Simple, but in that moment the words were released from my mouth, things changed. In ME!! I felt a river of joy. It is so hard to put into words, but I felt tension release my body!

I allowed myself to think on this and pray about this as I continued through my daily chores. I realized in a new way just how stressful dread and dislike is.

We fill our hearts and heads with dread and think about how much we dislike something and with each passing second our bodies are responding to the negativity and tension is created. It leads to feeling stressed!! In turn it leads to negative thoughts and moods and words. THEN.....it blocks our creativity!!

I am not a positive thinking person, I am a person of prayer and faith. But I believe these principals work no matter the faith/belief system you believe in.

I have found that my routine daily chores are just not as bothersome. 

I am one of these people that believe in work before pleasure. Always have been that way. I am also pretty discipled. Very strict about responsibility. Bible reading and journaling about what I read first always. Then I need to do all chores, take care of our furr and feathered babies, plan dinner and then head to the office to do any of my work for the business. Then I shower and dress, including make up and earrings ect. I really feel that if you treat yourself like a valuable women you will act valued and feel valued. Maybe this isn't what works for you. We are all different, the point is find the routine that works for you and stick to it. Your important and the beginning of the day really does set the tone for your day and attitude.

Then once all of the above is done I will head to my studio, art room. Now I have always followed this routine, but since Jan I have had such a better energy and creative flow! Just by learning, and still learning, to value the journey!

Each moment is important. None are less important. They all make up the whole of your life!

I am still learning to choose this each moment. Sometimes it is easier then others and there are times that I fail in a bad way! LOL

But I pick myself up by leaning on God and choose again. It is all part of my journey. Even the falling down times. I am learning and growing. I am having more fun creating then ever before. Some of the art is better and some of it is horrible but I am loving it!!

Plus not as anxious!! Anxiety has all but vanished!

So.....this is something I started today. As you can see it has a long way to go. :) 

Sorry the first pic is side ways. Don't know what happened.

I will be back later for the second post today.

Hope your Tuesday is full of simple joys

Just, Me

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful and expressive portrait. I love the flowing red air and the deep mysterious eyes.
